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Eveo Pod ™

Eveo Pod ™

Regular price €59,99 EUR
Regular price €89,90 EUR Sale price €59,99 EUR
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Any dental device that is not properly sanitized can become a breeding ground for bacteria, plaque, bad odors and other microorganisms, posing a significant risk to those who use it, in addition to giving it a dull and dirty appearance.

Say goodbye to bad odor and the embarrassment of yellow teeth

Eradicates all bacteria, viruses, and pathogens

Keeps your device clean and clear

Removes harmful plaque buildup

Saves time and energy

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  • Invisible braces

  • Retainers and aligners

  • Dentures

  • Sports mouth guards

Let us answer your questions

Can't I just use a sterilizing tablet?

Using just a cleaning tablet is like brushing your teeth with toothpaste but without a toothbrush. The tablets will remove some bacteria from your appliance, but the chemicals won’t penetrate beyond the surface. Deep-seated bacteria and tartar will remain, harming your dental and physical health, and leaving your appliance dull and dirty.

What if I clean it with a toothbrush?

Toothbrushes can damage dental appliances, leaving them scratched, uncomfortable, and dull. Additionally, a toothbrush won't reach all the nooks and crannies, leaving bacteria, tartar, and dirt on your appliance.

Will the Eveo Pod damage my appliance?

Absolutely not, the ultrasonic cleaning method is completely non-abrasive. It creates millions of microbubbles that gently but thoroughly clean the entire surface of the appliance without causing any damage. The Eveo Pod is designed to safely clean all types of materials, from metal to aligner plastics.

Can the Eveo Pod clean aligners/Dr.Smile?

Yes, the Eveo Pod can effectively clean clear aligners and Invisalign or Dr.Smile. All types of clear aligners have been thoroughly tested with the Eveo Pod, yielding excellent results. Additionally, it's perfect for cleaning your retainer after aligner treatment. Click here to read why the award-winning orthodontist Dr. Sarah Thompson recommends the Eveo Pod to all her patients.

Can the Eveo Pod clean night guards and occlusal splints?

Yes, the Eveo Pod effectively cleans both night guards and occlusal splints. It has been designed and tested to clean over 14 types of guards.

Can the Eveo Pod clean retainers?

Yes, the Eveo Pod effectively cleans retainers. It is designed and tested to clean both modern clear retainers and traditional metal ones.

How do I clean the Eveo Pod after use?

The Eveo Pod’s tank is made of stainless steel, making it very easy to clean. Simply rinse it daily. Occasionally, a light brush or wipe with a cloth may be needed.

Can the Eveo Pod clean jewelry?

The Eveo Pod is not specifically designed for jewelry cleaning, but many customers have reported success using it to clean their jewelry. The ultrasonic cavitation cleaning method it employs has been used by professionals to clean jewelry for decades. We have successfully tested the cleaning of precious metals in the Eveo Pod to ensure that customers with grills can safely and effectively clean their appliances.

Before and after using Eveo Pod

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